The Richard J. Ball Campership Program


Click Here To Apply Online Now


Richard J. Ball, also known to many of us simply as “Pops”, had a tenure in Scouting that was endeared by many Scouts and Leaders alike.  During his time, Pops held many leadership positions such as Committee Member with Troop 14, District Commissioner, and Council Commissioner.  Of special note was his personal passion for the revitalization of National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) at the Council. His countless contributions to the lives of Scouts will be forever missed and treasured.  Erie Shores Council felt that it would be fitting that the Council’s Campership Program be permanently renamed to honor our colleague Dick Ball forever.  

Since the founding of the Campership Program, a primary aim of Scouting has been to teach self-reliance and promote a strong work ethic.  Just as important, perhaps, is the goal that no Cub Scout, Boy Scout, or Venturer ever be prevented from participating in a Scouting activity because of lack of funds. The Campership Program helps us achieve these objectives. Each year partial Scout camping fees are awarded to those youth who wish to go to camp but are unable to pay.  This money is given in return for some form of service to the community, to the church or synagogue, or to the member’s chartered institution.


To participate the youth must:

  1. Identify a “good turn” work project. This project should be age-appropriate and of the youth’s own choosing.  Unit service projects, such as Scouting for Food, do not qualify, nor do service projects completed as part of a Scout’s advancement program.  The project should involve a significant number of hours and effort on the youth’s part.
  2. Secure his/her unit leader’s approval that the project is worthwhile.
  3. With the unit leader, fill out the online Campership Proposal Application.
  4. Deadline for applications is April 15th 

Camperships will be awarded for attending Erie Shores Council summer camping programs.  These are defined as Cub Scout Day Camp (council or district-operated) and Scouts BSA resident camp programs at Pioneer Scout Reservation.  Camperships will be awarded strictly on the “honor system”, although the program is designed to help low-income youth who could not otherwise afford to go to camp.

Approved Campership projects will result in a credit at the Scout Service Center applied in the youth’s name toward the camp or activity for which he/she completed the Campership. The unit leader will be notified the credit has been applied.

Those who wish to contribute to the Campership Fund may do so by sending their contribution to:

Erie Shores Council Campership Fund

P.O. Box 8728

Toledo, OH 43623

Please be sure to indicate that you would like your donation to go to the Council Campership Fund.