Popcorn Success Story - Show & Sell

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Stephanie Boss, Popcorn Kernel from Pack 342 in Eagle Bay District said that Liam V. averaged $180 per hour in sales at Genoa Millers. Liam is getting more confident and coming out of his shell! So proud of you, Liam! 
Kernel Journal 10.30.24



Alexander B.and Nicholas B. from Pack 342 in Eagle Bay District ROCKED their very first popcorn table at the Fremont Tractor Supply!

They greeted every customer, pet every dog, and returned every cart into the store.

They sold over $400 in under 4 hours and brought in over $100 in donations.
10.9.24 Kernel Journal



Dave Hutte from Pack 222 in Swan Creek District reports that a mini Show & Sell for 30 minutes after the 11 am mass at Little Flower Parish netted $350 in total sales for three of their Scouts! Great Job Scouts!
10.2.24 Kernel Journal



Travis Mulligan from Pack 248 in Northwest District reported that they had a successful weekend selling popcorn at Bass Pro on Saturday and Lowes SW on Sunday.

Even though it was hot the Scouts that attended stuck it out and were able to sell over $1,000 between the 2 days. Great work everyone!
9.18.24 Kernel Journal


Posted on Facebook: Aaron would love to sell you some popcorn! We’re at Mr. G’s in Springfield Township! Their drive thru is open, so come out and get some ice cream and some popcorn on this beautiful evening! (2023)



Popcorn Kernel Heather Dunzweiler from Northwest Pack 149 used Facebook to let her friends and family know when and where they can buy popcorn.
10.11.2023 Kernel Journal



Popcorn Kernel Stacey Brown from Swan Creek Pack 384 reported that the total amount sold at several Show & Sell Booths this past weekend (9/22-24) was over $7,000. Awesome job Pack 384!! (2023)



Weston B. from Commodore Perry Pack 123 practiced his sales pitch, grabbed his wagon, and blitzed a neighborhood. He turned in $500 in sales and would have sold more if his wagon didn’t break down! Way to go Weston!! - 9.20.2023 Kernel Journal



This past weekend, Swan Creek Pack 104 set up a Show & Sell at mass services at their Charter Partner and sold $1,268! Great job Pack 104!  - 9.20.2023 Kernel Journal



Scouts from Pack 216 from Commodore Perry District sold $550 of popcorn at the Bass Pro Show & Sell this past weekend! Looks like they had a lot of fun selling with their buddies! (2023)



Cubmaster Jen Brown stated Pack 314 from Eagle Bay District has had great success at Show & Sells! They have sold at Solomon’s Chicken Barbecue, the Genoa and Woodville Farmer’s Markets as well as Tony Packo’s and the Woodville Firemen’s Breakfast - if they meet their $10,000 goal, they get to go to Urban Air Trampoline Park! (2023)



Committee Chair Megan Regal said Pack 361 from Eagle Bay District had a Cub Scout from each of their dens volunteer for 2-hour shifts each to sell at the Marblehead Lighthouse Festival on Saturday, October 8th. Total sales for the day reached over $1,000! (2023)



Isaac and Donovan from Troop 14 had sales popping at Bass Pro and customers couldn't resist buying from Andrew from Pack 41 at Sip & Brew! (2023)