Eagle Bay Cub Day Camp
July 23, 24 & 25, 2025
White Star Park Barn
960 C.R. 60 Gibsonburg, Ohio
What is Day Camp?
Eagle Bay District Day Camp is a 3 day program, supported by trained volunteer leadership. Scouts will participate in many types of activities including archery, BB-guns, field sports, nature, arts and crafts, Scout skills, and all-around FUN! This year's theme is "Off to the Races"
Who can attend Day Camp?
Day Camp youth participants are open to all youth including non-registered Scout families. When selecting RANK in your registration, you should use the den that the Scout will be entering for the 2025-2026 school year.
Tiger (entering 1st grade) Must be accompanied by an Adult Partner AT ALL TIMES
Wolf (entering 2nd grade)
Bear (entering 3rd grade)
Webelos (entering the 4th grade)
Arrow of Light (entering 5th grade)
How Do I Register for Day Camp?
To register current Scout: March 1 - June 16
CLICK HERE - Instructions on how to create an account in Tentaroo as either a Parent or as a Unit Representative with Tentaroo Video and Screen Shots for reference.
Registration for Tigers: 1st Graders (Based on grade entering for the 2025-2026 school year.)
**First Grade only: Youth are required to be accompanied by an Adult**
March 1st - June 16th
Cost: $60.00 per Scout/Tiger Adult Partner
(Includes for each scout and adult partner, one T-Shirt, water bottler, lunch, morning snack, custom patch, full-time medical staff, BSA-trained volunteer staff. and program)
Registration: 2nd – 5th Graders (Based on grade for the 2025-2026 school year.)
**Wolf, Bear, WEBELOS, AOL pricing**
Cost: $60.00 per Scout March 1st - June 16th
(Includes for each scout, one T-Shirt, water bottler, lunch, morning snack, custom patch, full-time medical staff, BSA-trained volunteer staff. and program)
NonScout Registration: Public
Registration for: 1st Graders (Based on grade entering for the 2025-2026 school year.)
**First Grade only: Youth are required to be accompanied by an Adult**
March 1st - June 16th
Cost: $75.00 per NonScout/Adult Partner
(Includes for each scout and adult partner, one T-Shirt, water bottler, custom patch, lunch, morning snack, full-time medical staff, BSA-trained volunteer staff, and program)
Registration for : 2nd – 5th Graders (Based on grade for the 2025-2026 school year.)
Cost: $75.00 per scout March 1st - June 16th
(Includes for each scout and adult partner, one T-Shirt, water bottler, custom patch, lunch, morning snack, full-time medical staff, BSA-trained volunteer staff, and program)
Extra t-shirts for sale at: $11 each for Youth Small - Adult X-Large. $16 for Adult 2-3XL
Registration closes June 16th - No refunds after this date. See our full cancelation policy here: https://www.erieshorescouncil.org/files/26006/Council-Refund-Policy
Late Registration June 17th - July 8th:
Cost: $75.00 per scout Tiger - Arrow of Light (1st grade - 5th grade)
Cost: $85.00 per Nonscout (1st grade - 5th grade)
(Includes for each scout and adult partner, one T-Shirt, water bottler, custom patch, lunch, morning snack, full-time medical staff, BSA-trained volunteer staff, and program)
Day Camp Campership:
Erie Shores Council, Scouting America, strongly believes no youth shall be denied a program experience because of lack of funds. However, every effort must be made by applicants to “earn their own way.”
Campership Procedures
Camperships (scholarship) are available for Day Camp.
Only registered youth members of the Erie Shores Council are granted scholarships.
Full scholarships are not awarded. Due to limited funds, up to 50% of the total fee may be awarded. Only in extreme situations will more be awarded.
The campership application can be found here: https://www.erieshorescouncil.org/ESCCA
Health Forms:
Scouting America has established minimum standards for providing medical information prior to participating in various activities. Those standards are offered in one three-part medical form. Parts A and B are to be completed annually by all BSA unit members. Please make a copy of your health forms. They will not be returned at the completion of Day Camp. To ensure the check in on the first morning goes smoothly without delay, upon your online registration you will receive a secure link to submit your annual BSA Health Form.
Please do not send BSA Health Forms to the council office.
Should any of our activities or camps be postponed or canceled, you will receive a full refund. If camp is postponed and your Scout is unable to attend the new date, you will receive a full refund. Individuals or groups that cancel a program reservation 30 days prior to the date of that event, or prior to the deadline date for reservations, whichever is less, will receive a refund of fees paid, less a 15% administrative charge. No refunds will be made after the cancellation deadline.