Final Popcorn Payments Due


Dec 7, 2023



Erie Shores Council
PO BOX 8728
Toledo, OH 43623
Location Phone: 419-241-7293


Payments are due to Council on or before the following dates:

  • Show & Sell Payment – October 2, 2023, and October 23, 2023.
    • Units need to pay a portion of money collected to date.
  • Final Payment – December 7, 2023
    • All Units must pay the remaining balance in full.

How Much?

  • Units taking the Prize Option: Pay 71% of total funds collected.
  • Units taking the 3% Cash Option: Pay 68% of total funds collected.

Steps for Collecting and Making Payments

  1. Parents and Scouts will collect payments from customers; cash or checks made out to their unit.
  2. Deposit all payments into your Unit’s own checking account.
  3. Unit Treasurer will write a check payable to Erie Shores Council, BSA for the amount owed.
  4. Make your Unit payment using one of the following methods:
    • Use the deposit slip from your Kickoff Kit and take your Unit check to a Huntington Bank branch.
      • Please endorse the back of the check with “For Deposit Only”.
      • Include your Unit type and number on the deposit slip, example: “Troop 11”
    • Bring or mail your Unit check to the Iott Scout Shop at the Jadel Leadership Center.
    • Payment by credit card is accepted but incurs a 2.5% processing fee.

Important Notes

  • Customer checks should be collected and made out to the Unit, not the Council.
  • Deposit the Unit’s payment checks at a Huntington Bank branch using the provided deposit slips.
  • Use popcorn deposit slips only for popcorn payments, not for other Scouting purposes.
  • Council cannot accept third-party checks.