Merit Badge Counselors
What is a Merit Badge Counselor?
A merit badge counselor is an adult leader 18 or older in age that has specific skills they want to share in helping Scouts earn merit badges. In order for a Scout to earn a merit badge, they must work with and be signed off by a merit badge counselor that is specific to that badge. A merit badge counselor is a teacher, a mentor, and a helping hand in the progression of Scouting.
Sign up to be a Merit Badge Counselor
Requirements for becoming a Merit Badge Counselor:
- Complete and submit a BSA Adult Application, including the Criminal Background Check
- Complete Youth Protection Training
- Submit a registration payment of $25.00 (unless you are serving in another paid adult leadership role within Scouting)
- Complete and submit a Merit Badge Counselor application
- Complete merit badge counselor training (optional)*
- Must be an individual of good character
- Must be age 18 or older
- Must have the skills and education in the subjects they want to teach (available Merit Badges)
- Must have good rapport with Scout-age youth and their unit leaders
Completed application materials should be submitted to Michael Smith, Registrar/District Assistant for processiing.
* At this time there are online merit badge counselor training courses available through My.Scouting that merit badge counselors are encouraged to complete, but they are currently optional. That said, merit badge counselors looking to teach Citizenship in Society merit badge are required to complete additional steps (including an online training) in order to be considered a counselor for that merit badge.
Merit Badge Counselor applications are sent to a member of the Council Advancement Committee (usually based on where you reside) for review and approval. The committee member reviewing your application may reach out if they have additional questions on your interests/qualifications in serving. Once they have approved your application, the Council Registrar will finish processing your application. Approved merit badge counselor applications take 48 hours to process and show-up in Scoutbook Plus.
After you are approved, you can dive right in! You may want to purchase a merit badge pamphlet for the badge or badges that you plan to counsel. The pamphlets contain all of the current requirements and the supporting knowledge needed to complete them. Merit badge pamphlets are available for purchase in the Iott Scout Shop.
Citizenship in Society merit badge
Individuals interested in teaching the Citizenship in Society merit badge need to complete the online form and the additional steps listed here, before their request can be considered.
Existing Merit Badge Counselors
Over time, as a merit badge counselor, you may need to add or remove merit badges from your list of counseled badges. To do this, simply fill out another Merit Badge Counselor Application again with the updates, and submit it to the Council Registrar for processing. Additional training is required if you want to add Citizenship in Society merit badge.
Merit badge counselors will need to renew their status annually (based on when their primary registration is due for renewal). Merit badge counselors who do not hold another paid leadership position, are required to pay a $25.00 registration fee. You will receive an email notification from National when your registration renewal is coming up.
Merit Badge Counselor Info/Resources
Merit badge counselors are encouraged to review the following info/resource materials