Fill-It-Up Drawing
To be entered into the weekly drawing, completed sheets with 30 customers must be submitted before Noon each Friday during the sale. Non-winning entries will remain in the drawing each week. Daily Double winners receive a prize and a prize for the entire unit.
Week 1 Prize: Cinch Backpack w/ BSA branding, BSA PopSocket, Watch/Pedometer, Headlamp, Fire Starter, Compass/Whistle
Week 2 Prize (Daily Double): Cooler Chair Backpack, Binoculars AND the Unit Receives $100 Off a Cabin Rental at Camp Miakonda or Pioneer Scout Reservation (PSR)
Week 3 Prize: Multi-Tool Flashlight and an Adventure Duffle Bag w/ BSA Branding
Week 4 Prize: White Handle Lock Blade Knife & Case and a $20 Iott Scout Shop Gift Card
Week 5 Prize (Daily Double): 2-Person Waterproof Tent AND the Unit Receives $100 Off a Cabin Rental at Camp Miakonda or Pioneer Scout Reservation (PSR)
Week 6 Prize: Z-Tek Bow w/ 2 Darts
Week 7 Prize: Telescope - 40x Magnifcation and a $20 Iott Scout Shop Gift Card
Week 8 Prize: Swiss Army Fieldmaster Knife
Weekly Winners
- Week 1 - Andrew H. from Eagle Bay Troop 339
- Week 2 - Carson R. from Swan Creek Pack 104
- Week 3 - Kamryn H. from Commodore Perry Pack 244
- Week 4 - Logan M. from Commodore Perry Troop 68
- Week 5 - Adam S. from Northwest Pack 154
- Week 6 - Grayson G. from Wood Pack 344
- Week 7 - Barrett H. from Eagle Bay Pack 408
- Week 8 - Jeffrey A. from Swan Creek Pack 208