Training: Sea Scouts

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Sea Scout Training is designed for Ship members, both Adult & Youth.
To learn more about Sea Scouts, click HERE to watch the Fast Start video.
Required Training for Sea Scout Ship Members are as follows:
Sea Scout Basic Leader
This training is intended for skippers, mates, and committee adults as approved by the local council.
The course is an intense experience in learning about the nature of the program, delivery of service to the community, and development of the youth leadership necessary for both.
To Complete On-Line, click HERE.
For Information on In-Person Training, click HERE.
This course is designed for adults but is good for the youth also.
Introduction to Leader Skills for Ships
Training provides skippers and mates the necessary information and tools to conduct and facilitate the foundational unit leadership development for a ship’s elected and appointed youth leaders.
For Information on In-Person Training, click HERE.
This course is designed for youth, to be presented by youth. The course would also be beneficial for adult leaders as well.
Sea Badge
Recognizing the uniqueness of the on-the-water leadership required in the Sea Scout program, the Seabadge training conference was conceived to:
- To improve the understanding of leadership, management, and motivation among selected experienced Sea Scout adult volunteer leaders.
- To provide management, leadership, and presentation skills and tools to these leaders so that they may use them and share them with others in their day-to-day activities and through leading a Seabadge conference.
- To use this understanding and these skills and tools to improve and expand both the quality and quantity of the Sea Scout program as a way to reach the Aims of Scouting.
For Information on In-Person Training, click HERE.