Community Service Opportunities



HEY! We want to hear about all the good work your Scouting unit is doing in the community!  

Scouting as an organization is surging coming out of the pandemic and we're really excited to continue to provide meaningful learning opportunities for young people. That being said, there are a lot of folks in the community that need to hear and see what Scouting does for young people and how Scouting is contributing to the growth and prosperity of Northwest Ohio.  


That's where you come in...

The Erie Shores Council is proud to present #BSAAlwaysHelping, 14 days to focus on community service and being visible in the community.  Our hope is that all units across Lucas, Wood, Ottawa and Sandusky Counties will participate.  It's a great way to get your Scouting year kicked off!  


Cool... How can I help and participate?

  • Each unit will commit to a service project and submit it by May 31 
  • Each unit's goal is to have 50% of their youth as counted on March 31. (we will provide that #)
  • Plan and participate in the service opportunity between August 1 and August 14
  • Log your hours in Scoutbook by August 31
  • Come back and give us a brief description of the work done by August 31


Yeah... and what's in it for me? (hint: free patches)

  • As these service projects are planned, we'll get the word out and into the community and media.  Our hope is to get a number of positive stories about Scouting into the community ahead of Fall Enrollment. You may see a news story about your unit hit the local papers or TV stations.  
    • Whether you've been around Scouting for a while, or your new, you hopefully recognize the incredibly important place that Scouting holds in the community.  We know that you give countless hours of your time and resources to ensure your Scouts have an incredible experience and grow as individuals.  The Erie Shores Council wants to brag about you and share the good stories that you experience on a daily and weekly basis with your Scouts.  
  • Scouts who participate will be awarded a FREE PATCH (If unit completes all requirement by August 31)
  • Additionally, your unit will be given a participation streamer for your unit flag AND a certificate for 1/2 off a cabin rental at Pioneer Scout Reservation or Camp Miakonda. (If unit completes all requirement by August 31)


Alright, I'm a sucker for a free patch... what can we do?

  • Helpers for Eagle Projects
  • Clean Your Streams
  • Storm Drain Stenciling - 11 years of age and up
  • Road Clean Up
  • Neighborhood Clean Up
  • Metropark Projects
  • Planting Trees
  • Project for your Chartered Organization
  • Other ___________ fill in the blank of an appropriate service opportunity for you Scouts
Community Service Commitment Form Community Service Participation Confirmation Form



How is this different from what we're already doing?

The council would like to magnify the efforts across the council to make a big splash so that those who are not in Scouting can see that our program and organization is alive and well.  Furthermore, the more visible we are, the more youth and parents we can enroll into this amazing program to participate and/or become a new leader.

Why is this initiative important?

Scouting wants to be seen and be relavent for this next generation of youth and parents.  If we focus our efforts, we can gain more attention around the community! 

File Name Description
#BSAAlwaysHelping Community Service Kick-off Flyer to help generate awareness and how to sign up for #BSAAlwaysHelping Download
How to Record Service Hours in ScoutBook Instructions on how to record service hours in ScoutBook. Download