New: Common Cub Scout Terms
Activity Uniform Activity uniforms are Scouting-related t-shirts (with the exception of the Lion t-shirt). They can be pack t-shirts, day camp t-shirts, or any other Scouting t-shirt. You will hear this uniform referred to as a "Class B uniform" although this is not an official BSA term.
Adult Partner The adult member of a Lion Scout or Tiger Scout team.
Advancement The progression that moves the Cub Scout from rank to rank.
Adventures Adventures are "collections of themed, multidisciplinary activities representing approximately three den meetings' worth of engaging content." Lion Scouts complete five Adventures; Tiger Scouts, Wolf Scouts, and Bear Scouts complete seven Adventures to earn their rank badge; Webelos complete six Adventures for their rank; and Arrow of Light Scouts complete five Adventures for their rank.
Akela Anyone who is a leader to the Cub Scout. Akela can be a parent, teacher, den leader, Cubmaster, or any other adult who helps guide the Cub Scout.
Arrow of Light Award The highest rank in Cub Scouting and the only Cub Scout badge that may be worn on the Scouts BSA uniform.
Assistant Cubmaster A volunteer Scouter, 18 or older, appointed by the chartered organization to help the Cubmaster.
Assistant Den Leader A volunteer Scouter, 18 or older, appointed by the chartered organization to help the Cub Scout den leader.
Assistant Webelos Den Leader A leader in a Pack, at least 18 years of age, who is appointed by the chartered organization to help the Webelos den leader.
Bear The rank designed for a Cub Scout in the third grade (or 9 years old).
Blue and Gold Banquet A birthday dinner for Scouting held by Cub Scout Packs in February to celebrate the founding of the Boy Scouts of America in 1910 and of Cub Scouting in 1930. May be called "blue and gold dinner." Capitalize only when part of a full title: "Pack 214 Blue and Gold Banquet."
Bobcat The first rank earned by every Scout in Cub Scouting. Lion Scouts earn their Bobcat rank at the beginning of their Tiger Scout year (after June 1).
Buddy System The buddy system is used to help Cub Scouts look out for each other. At Cub Scout events, especially outdoor activities, kids should find a partner (buddy). The buddies go everywhere together and know where each other is at all times. This helps ensure that Scouts always have a partner to help them if they get lost or hurt.
Camping Camping is the hallmark of Scouting. See "day camp" and "resident camping" for additional information on these types of camping.
Campout A family camping activity with at least one overnight stay and is written as one word. One adult leader must have completed Basic Adult Outdoor Leader Orientation (BALOO) training and must be in attendance at the campout.
Chartered Organization A religious, civic, fraternal, educational, or other community-based organization that has applied for and received a charter to operate a BSA Scouting unit.
Crossing or Bridging A special ceremony where an Arrow of Light Scout "crosses over" or "bridges" from Cub Scouts to Scouts BSA. It symbolizes the Scouts' induction into their Scouts BSA troop.
Council An administrative body chartered to be responsible for Scouting in a designated geographic territory.
Council Service Center The business center for the local administration of Scouting.
Cub Scout A registered youth member of a Cub Scout Pack or one registered as a Lone Cub Scout who has completed first grade but who has not yet completed third grade, or who is age 7 or 8.
Cub Scout Motto Do Your Best.
Cub Scouting That part of the program of the Boy Scouts of America for youth (both boys and girls) who are in kindergarten through fifth grade (or are 5 through 10 years old). Lion Scouts are in kindergarten (or age 5); Tiger Scouts are in the first grade (or age 6); Cub Scouts, second or third grade (or ages 7 or 8); and Webelos Scouts are in the fourth grade (or age 9); and Arrow of Light Scouts are in the fifth grade (or age 10). The unit is a Cub Scout Pack and the Pack is made up of dens of the various age groups. The emphasis is on family-centered activities, group activities, learning, and having fun.
Cubmaster A volunteer Scouter, 21 or older, appointed by the chartered organization to lead a Cub Scout Pack. The Cubmaster is the "face" of the pack. Cubmasters help plan and carry out the Cub Scout program in their Pack. They support and motivate den leaders and parents. The Cubmaster serves as the emcee for Pack meetings and other events. Cubmasters and Pack committees work together to develop fun program ideas and activities.
Day Camp An organized, multiple-day, theme-oriented program for Tiger Cubs and their adult partners, Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, and Arrow of Light Scouts that is conducted by the council/district under trained leadership at an approved site during daylight or early evening hours.
Den A neighborhood group of five to eight Scouts, by school grade, that meets periodically, usually once a week, and is part of a Cub Scout Pack.
Denner A Cub Scout who has been selected (by vote or appointment) to serve in a leadership role in their den.
District A geographical area of the council determined by the council executive board to help ensure the growth and success of Scouting units within the district's territory.
District Executive The District Executive (DE) is a paid employee of the local council. Their role is to support Scouting in the district.
Den Chief An older Scout who is a member of a Scouts BSA Troop or Venturing Crew who has been selected to work with a Cub Scout den. They assist with den activities and serve as a role model (and often a friend) to the youth in the den. The den chief position is considered a leadership role by the Scouts BSA Troop and Venturing Crew.
Elective A part of Cub Scout advancement trail. There are seven electives in the Lion handbook; nine electives in the Tiger, Wolf, and Bear handbooks; and 11 electives in the Webelos handbook. Additional electives can be found by visiting the Preview Adventures website.
Field Uniform The official uniform of the Cub Scouts. Lion Scouts wear a blue Lion t-shirt. Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Scouts were the official blue Cub Scout uniform shirt. Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts were the official khaki Scouts BSA uniform shirt. You will hear this uniform referred to as a "Class A uniform" although this is not an official BSA term.
Lion Scout A youth who is in kindergarten (or is 5 years old) and registered, with their adult partner, as a member of a Lion Cub den.
Pack A group made up of several Lion Scout, Tiger Scout, Cub Scout, Webelos, and Arrow of Light Scout dens. The Pack organizes the dens, holds monthly pack meetings, and conduct larger events such as the Pinewood Derby or Blue and Gold Banquet. The Pack includes not only the youth in the dens but also their families and leaders. Packs belong to a community organization, such as a church or a service club, which is chartered by the Boy Scouts of America to operate the Scouting program.
Parent and Family Talent Survey An inventory of parents' interests and abilities conducted by the Cub Scout Pack to determine program potential.
Pinewood Derby A Cub Scout racing event that a Cub Scout designs and builds a race car using the official BSA Pinewood Derby kit that contains a block of wood, plastic wheels, and axles made from nails with the help of their parents.
Raingutter Regatta A Cub Scout racing event that a Cub Scout build a sailboat from either the official BSA Raingutter Regatta kit or from recycled products. The Cub Scout propels the boat down a race track, originally a rain gutter, by blowing on the sail of the boat.
Rank The seven Cub Scout ranks are Lion, Bobcat, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light Award.
Registered Member Annually, every youth and adult who wants to join or continue membership in the Boy Scouts of America must submit a completed application form or reregister and pay an annual registration fee. If new to Scouting an additional one-time Joining Fee is collected. Membership is a privilege, not a right.
Resident Camping A council-organized, theme-oriented, overnight camping program for Cub Scouts, Webelos, or Arrow of Light Scouts that operates for at least two nights and is conducted under trained leadership at a camp approved by the council.
Scout Camp Land owned by or leased to the Boy Scouts of America to further the Scouting program.
Scout Life The magazine for all youth published by the Boy Scouts of America. The title should be typeset in italics and underlined when italics is not available.
Scout Oath On my Honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Shop A BSA-owned store, operated by the Supply Group, that sells official Scouting merchandise.
Scouter A registered adult member of the Boy Scouts of America who serves in a volunteer or professional capacity.
Tiger Scout A youth who is in the first grade (or is 6 years old) and registered, with their adult partner, as a member of a Tiger Cub den.
Tiger Scout Den A den of five to eight Tiger Scouts and their adult partners.
Webelos Badge The seventh rank in Cub Scouting; earned by Webelos Scouts in a Webelos den.
Webelos Colors The Webelos Colors consist of a blue metal bar with the word "Webelos" on it. Below the bar are three woven streamers - one each of gold, red, and green. The Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts display their Adventure pins on the streamers. The Webelos Colors are worn on the right sleeve of the Webelos field uniform.
Webelos Den A group of Webelos Scouts who meet weekly under the supervision of a Webelos den leader.
Webelos Den Leader A registered volunteer member, age 21 or older, appointed by the Pack committee to plan and direct the den's activities.
Webelos Scout (Pronounced WEE-buh-los) A Cub Scout who has completed the third grade or is age 9 and is a member of a Webelos den. Webelos stands for WE'll BE LOyal Scouts. Always use the "S" even when referring to one Webelos Scout. There is not a singular version of Webelos.
Webelos Scout Overnighter A one- or two-night campout by Webelos Scouts and their adult partners. One adult leader must have completed Basic Adult Outdoor Leader Orientation (BALOO) training and must be in attendance at the campout.
Whittling Chip The Whittling Chip is an award a Cub Scout, Bear and higher, can earn that gives them the privilege of carrying a pocketknife to specifically designed events. To earn the Whittling Chip, Cub Scouts have to know how to safely use and care for a pocketknife, make a carving, and promise to abide by the knife safety guidelines and the pocketknife pledge.
Wolf The rank designed for a Cub Scout in the second grade (or 8 years old).
Youth Protection Program This BSA emphasis fights child abuse by teaching youth the "three R's:" Recognize, Resist, and Report child abuse; by helping parents and Scouters learn to recognize indications of child abuse and situations that could lead to potential abuse; and by teaching them how to handle child abuse situations or reports.